ProjektTECH LPG CNG Interfaces for autogas

ProjektTECH Polish manufacturer of diagnostic interfaces for LPG autogas programming and setting. We have been operating in production since 2010, we are constantly working on development, following the expectations of our clients and reaching for the possibilities of modern electronics. Our activity is mainly based on the production of electronic devices, although that's not all. To ensure the appropriate level of functionality of our devices and for the sake of a high level of customer satisfaction, we also deal with the broadly understood distribution.
Thanks to a comprehensive approach to satisfying the needs of consumers, we have almost full control over the quality of products and, what is now both ethical and economic standard, we try to maintain a large impact on the quality of customer service. Both at the stage of order fulfillment, during the normal use of the equipment and most importantly, in the event of unusual situations or problems - we remain at almost continuous disposal providing professional technical support.

Ocena: 2.0/10 (41 głosów)

ProjektTECH LPG CNG Interfaces for autogas

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ProjektTECH LPG CNG Interfaces for autogas

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